Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Our First Medical/Dental/Eye Clinic

Today was our first medical/dental/eye clinic and it was a good warm-up.  I think we worked out all of the kinks so that the rest of the week, in tougher locations, will go smoother.  Kathy Remick saw 25 dental patients and Julie Poteet consulted on 40 eye cases - both full loads.

This year we were blessed with a temporary donation of an autorefractor.  This device performs a diagnosis on eyesight by a technician thus allowing Julie more time to spend in consultation after receiving a report.  This allows her to go much faster and see more people.

We also called today "Rich" Day.  We are doubly blessed to have Rich Chapman with us.  He lived some of his formidable years growing up in Guatemala and is so glad to be back.  He's a gentle giant and the children love him.  He also led our nightly devotion.

One of our pictures is of the Volcano named "Agua" sticking up through the clouds.  The other picture is of a young girl having a tough time.  She broke her leg and is on crutches.  However, today she found our eye doctor and she was able to diagnose her vision problems.  Here she is with her new glasses and a big smile!

Tomorrow we will be visiting a community with the nickname 'Bendiciones' (means 'Blessings').  It's not on any maps and isn't officially a town.  It's more or less a place where people without homes set up camp.  The blessings will be all ours.

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